Reply to post: Re: Thumbs up

Just take a look at the carnage on Notepad++'s GitHub: 'Free Uyghur' release sparks spam tsunami by pro-Chinese

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Thumbs up

"thumbs up are cheap and the only effect is a momentary hit that you did something good, when in fact, your clicks mean absolutely nothing"

Its about recognising that someone else has done something good, not that by giving a thumbs up that we are doing something good. Although you seem to reference the endorhpin function of the brain I would suggest that this is misplaced in this context.

Your post isn't patronising but I think it's a little bit dumb. I don't think anyone thinks their click will oust Xi Jinping or better the treatment of Chinese Muslims but it's nice to recognise someone elses effort on the forum.

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