Reply to post: Re: Updating Firmware isn't easy on Prime Candidates for Change in Perverse Corrupt Systems Admins

Running on Intel? If you want security, disable hyper-threading, says Linux kernel maintainer

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Updating Firmware isn't easy on Prime Candidates for Change in Perverse Corrupt Systems Admins

Yes, and even those are only chasing the problems that they've discovered. The implication is that there are still many out there to be discovered - and maybe some have been discovered by someone else. ..... Doctor Syntax

:-) ..... and what can/should one do with such an attractive promiscuous beast and wild child, Doctor Syntax, should it ever be thought possible to be able to do anything at all effective and worthwhile in so many fields in which ignorance and arrogance would claim to exercise reign?

Whenever nothing at all effective and worthwhile is the true answer, who and/or what suffers and benefits the most from such as is as Madness and Mayhem for CHAOS in Confusion?

Any advance on Intelligence and Sanity?

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