Reply to post: Re: "Unusual" soil conditions

Dammit Insight! You just had two big jobs to do on Mars and you're failing at one of those

lglethal Silver badge

Re: "Unusual" soil conditions

Based on the soil seen around the other landers and rovers, the soil has an extremely deep layer of Duricrust (low friction, high cohesion soil). In the other places where the rovers moved around and sampled soil, the duricrust was seen to be no more than about 2-5cm deep. Here we're looking at over 20cm. So unusual for Mars? Who knows. But unusual based on the evidence of previous missions. Definitely.

And the Mole is self propelling - it's basically a jackhammer, so No you cant put an auger bit on it.

Oh well if the team can get it down to about 40cm, then it should be able to go forward with out any further problem (once fully past the duricrust and regular soil conditions return). But yeah this is a set back. But thats Science, doing something in the unknown, under conditions no one's ever done them before, and then overcoming the problems that develop.

Good luck little Mole...

(from an ex-HP³ Team member)

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