Reply to post: Re: Just a second

We can go our own Huawei! Arm says it can flog chip blueprints to Chinese giant despite US trade embargo

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Just a second

This is not about competition. I know, unpopular opinion, but it's not. It started from real concerns in some security circles across multiple countries that Huawei might actually spy for the Chinese government. These people recommended code checks, which revealed some worrying things but didn't reveal spying. And now the security people have mostly dropped their concerns. The only reason this is still a thing is that some American politicians realized that "security reasons" sounds better than "hostage in a trade war". But it's not about Huawei competing with other companies on comms tech, it's about wanting the trade balance to switch. That's an issue so important to the current American administration that they'll sacrifice anything to get it, and they're not above manufacturing another bargaining chip to try and add some stress.

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