Reply to post: Re: The trouble with clouds

Amazon is saying nothing about the DDoS attack that took down AWS, but others are

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: The trouble with clouds

Not so fast. If we assume that a typical white fluffy cumulus cloud weighs about 500 tons (it does) or ~120 KiloJubs (~1 LINQ Hotel Recycling unit), it is pretty massive, but the mass is in a volume of about a cubic mile (normal size cloud). A bigger cloud could be ~2 cubic miles (or 1000 tons).

I don't think that the existing Reg Standard Units give a suitably intuitive measure of large volumes with relatively low densities - Could I suggest the "FluffyCloud" for larger nebulous/amorphous masses i.e. I FluffyCloud = 500 tons/cubic mile - The standard volume of an Olympic-sized swimming pool is ~1.4 million to a cubic mile so the FluffyCloud is roughly 0.088 Jubs/Olympic-sized swimming pool (m/v)?

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