Reply to post: Re: Smart Summon used "more than one million times"

Tesla has made a profit. Repeat, Tesla has made a profit – $143m in fact

ds6 Silver badge

Re: Smart Summon used "more than one million times"

When I say "anonymize" I more readily mean clumping data sources together and stripping as much metadata as possible.

For driving locations, I would be fine with generating a heatmap based on mass grouped datasets, eg. Model 3 users drove around a lot in LA. Anything more I believe to be entirely irrelevant to anything except tracking individual driving patterns and improving GPS navigation. Of course, there still is a problem of single drivers being in weird locations like you said, but I normally take a stance against all telemetry so it's not like I've ever put that much thought into it.

For tracking statistics, you could keep vehicle-local controls that trigger thresholds to eg. indicate safe vs aggressive driving, and pass on a limited subset or set with reduced accuracy on to the server. This (and any delivered data) should not be bundled together, eg. so that location information cannot be mapped to driving style.

And of course the user should be able to disable all of this as they see fit, as no matter how anonymized every system has a risk factor.

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