Reply to post: IBM AT Keyboard for the win

Remember the 1980s? Oversized shoulder pads, Metal Mickey and... sticky keyboards?


IBM AT Keyboard for the win

I still have a couple of my IBM AT era keyboards from 1986. I actually used to have an 1981 IBM PC Model 5150, but the 5 pin DIN to the 6 pin mini-DIN converter didn't work with the 6 pin mini-DIN to USB convertor very well, so I donated those keyboards.

The IBM AT keyboards from before 2000 were tanks. Some of them weighed as much as a modern laptop. I've have successfully run one through a dishwasher to clean it (placing the key caps int the closed cutlery container), and in the years before I had a dishwasher, the bathtub did the job. Remove key caps, fill tub to about six inches of water, and insert keyboard. For stubborn stains, use the shower head blast them off. Dishwashing soap with warm water and a soft sponge (no abrasive copper or steel pads, please) can restore even the most aged and grotty looking keyboard to like-new condition.

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