Reply to post: Re: Pedant alert

Traffic lights worldwide set to change after Swedish engineer saw red over getting a ticket


Re: Pedant alert

Here in my adoptive US they have two such unusual settings: flashing amber means what it appears to mean in France, and what it means in the UK on a pelican crossing, and flashing red means to treat the light as if it were a stop sign.

The main other thing I found surprising: red jumps straight to green — there's no red + amber stage, or any other warning. To the point that they often put up "delayed green" warning signs if they don't want people trying to infer a pending green based on other traffic. I speculate it's because the cars are overwhelmingly automatics and therefore everybody sits there in gear with their ordinary brake on rather than using the handbrake, reducing the time it takes to drive away (and significantly decreasing total visibility at night if you're at the back of a long queue of static traffic with brake lights blaring the whole way along).

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