Reply to post: Re: Teas Maid

Welcome to the World Of Tomorrow, where fridges suffer certificate errors. Just like everything else

Blofeld's Cat

Re: Teas Maid

"The Teasmaid proves that there is a market for totally useless appliances"

A former friend gave Ms Cat and myself a Goblin Teasmaid, back in the early '80s.

I still recall being woken up by ten minutes of bubbling, hissing, screeching and small explosions followed by a raucous buzzer.

Occasionally we discovered that the boiling water had ignored the slightly misaligned teapot and had instead started to dissolve the MFI dressing table on which it rested.

Even when the wretched thing managed to make a hot beverage, one of us still had to fetch milk from the fridge in the kitchen - as you correctly noted.

We gave it to a colleague who made the mistake of saying she was thinking of buying one.

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