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Welcome to the World Of Tomorrow, where fridges suffer certificate errors. Just like everything else

Nick Kew

A fridge the size of that Samsung could presumably take all those Reg lunchboxes without getting overcrowded, yesno?

I've been contemplating a bigger fridge-freezer since moving to a kitchen with more space, so I've thought a bit about what I would or wouldn't pay more for.

YES obviously: sensible size, layout, power-efficiency, quiet running.

YES if not cynical about it working: frost-free, condensation avoidance.

MAYBE: my little indulgence - a dispenser for chilled water and ice, all plumbed in (would be a YES except that it's only available on "american style" models).

NO but would have some merit: IoT availability to inspect contents while in the supermarket.

NOT BLOODY LIKELY: big screen attached to the thing!

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