Reply to post: Re: A tale of 2 trials

Kiss my ASCII, Microsoft – we've got one million fewer daily active users than you, boasts Slack

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: A tale of 2 trials

I have only a little exposure to Slack, and didn't care for it; but Teams is downright hateful. The UX is ghastly. Even the scrollbars are 1) poorly styled and 2) often don't respond promptly, or in some cases at all. The Teams developers can't get scrolling right.

We switched from a RocketChat instance that only half the company had access to (for Stupid Networking Reasons) to a Teams instance that's available to everyone, and traffic dropped by an order of magnitude. I see a handful of Teams messages a day, and most of them are people joining or leaving teams.

I don't like these chat systems to begin with - I rarely find them particularly useful, and NNTP did it better decades ago. But the relatively lightweight RocketChat was far more successful at actually encouraging use than unwieldy, sluggish, unpleasant Teams.

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