Reply to post: AAE doesn't actually exist as "a language".

Oh dear... AI models used to flag hate speech online are, er, racist against black people

jake Silver badge

AAE doesn't actually exist as "a language".

There are, however, many creoles/pidgins that are often incorrectly lumped under that banner.

Consider the versions that are spoken in New York City, Chicago, Mississippi, Detroit, the Los Angeles Basin, and the East Bay. They are quite different linguistically. To say nothing of the umpteen different versions spoken in the South ... And worse, they are constantly changing, making them a moving target.

As a result, trying to program a computer to recognize "valid" AAE is a fool's errand. Trying to get it to filter out obscene, hateful, rude, insulting, or otherwise so-called "bad" speech is a complete waste of time good use of research funds. Where do I apply for my cut?

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