Reply to post: Re: borders to be regularised or smoothed out by mutual agreement

Virtual inanity: Solution to Irish border requires data and tech not yet available, MPs told

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: borders to be regularised or smoothed out by mutual agreement

"Almost everything you said is ridiculous"

So you say, but unfortunately for you it doesn't change the reality an iota.

Actual refugees (as defined by UN) are a small minority, most are just illegal immigrants wandering through safe countries to seek asylum in countries it's easier to get. They usually won't get because no reason whatsoever to give it, so >80% are rejected and then they try again or change country and try again. No limits on trying.

And when they don't get it, they stay in country illegally. That's harsh reality: You can ignore it, but it won't change by ignorance.

So, in practise, borders are open to anyone chanting 'asylum'. Only thing which limits it, is the fees smugglers take: Only (relatively) rich people can afford it.

"I can only hope you fail to make it to polling stations in future votes on any subject."

So you can vote that someone else pays for these people? That's called stealing you know?

"Immigration", legal or not, is a good business netting billions yearly and taxpayers are paying for it. Literally.

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