Reply to post: Re: China?

What? No way. Apple? Censoring iOS 13 to appease China? Gosh. How shocking. Who'd have thought it?

John Bailey

Re: China?

But jingoistic twits with a poor grasp of reality are bad too.

Can you also see the difference between a company (which is what Apple is) and a country (which is what China is), and a government (which is what neither are)?

Governments get to create and enforce laws, maintain order, and set economic policy. Yes. Even in Communist countries.

Companies get to do what they are told in these countries, or get kicked out, because they are not, despite the fantasy dearly held by some, people, religions, or forces for anything other than profit.

When governments do what companies tell them, you have corruption.

So. Governments get to do things like make laws that allow people who disagree with government to be arrested and detained.

Including holding them indefinitely without trial, charge or legal representation. Sometimes in off shore facilities to evade their own laws. Supporting the rule of dictators for diplomatic reasons, funding terrorist groups, engaging in torture, first hand, or through proxies etc.

Companies get to do things like pander to comically insecure heads of state and their acolytes, who become a laughing stock the world over.

When it comes to perspective. You obviously don't speak from experience.

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