Reply to post: You are #1 in the Que

Are you who you say you are, sir? You are? That's all fine then


You are #1 in the Que

Tried to contact a streaming service about signing up. Went to their "chat room". Started chat, asked my questions, and hit send.

"You are #1 in the Que, a representative will be with you in a moment."

Five minutes later, "All Representatives are busy at the moment, we will start the chat when one gets available. you are number 6 in the Que".

This is underneath the banner advising 24/7 award wining support help.

Every few minutes the message came up with me getting farther down the line

UNTILL, someone brings up the chat page.

While I'm typing my response, the chat page closes.

Guess they didn't want my money, which they didn't get.

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