Reply to post: Re: "Media Bridge, based in Virginia, and LCX Digital, based in California"

Remember the millions of fake net neutrality comments? They weren't as kosher as the FCC made out

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: "Media Bridge, based in Virginia, and LCX Digital, based in California"

> a benevolent dictatorship

Sorry, but along with the honest crook, the altruistic opportunist and the empathic bully, the "benevolent dictator" is an absurd theoretical construct. Even if it came to exist, it would have a shockingly short half-life: Everybody knows that power corrupts, so even if said dictator started as benevolent, he won't stay so for long.

And if he's really unfailingly benevolent, he will step down to protect the nation from himself and any unfortunate adventures his own vagaries might throw his country into (historic examples abound). So please don't dream about a reassuring father figure which will tell you what to do and think; You're better off doing so yourself.

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