Reply to post: Re: Is this just an English thing ?

The mod firing squad: Stack Exchange embroiled in 'he said, she said, they said' row

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Is this just an English thing ?

If you think our social constructions (girls wear pink, boys wear blue, for example) are biological

I don't, which is why I didn't say it.: those are roles. FWIW pink used to be considered the male colour.

As someone else has pointed out, it can be helpful to use "sex" for biology and "gender" for grammar, but I did point out that the two should not to be considered the same, though they are generally correlated for animals in many languages.

But I don't agree that gender can be self-assigned and I'm not at all a fan of the attempt to normalise sex-change medicine. I won't necessarily go out of my way to point this out.

But by and large, I find these CoCs are little more than a conscience-salving by an IT industry that has allowed itself to be cowed by some well-organised lobbying and American tort law. And it's always easier to sign up to a CoC than actually do anything significantly different.

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