Reply to post: Re: When to move abroad

We're all doooooomed: Gloomy Brit workforce really isn't coping well with impending Brexit

martinusher Silver badge

Re: When to move abroad

>As a USAlien: Not in the slightest. Frankly the idea terrifies me. We were looking to y'all to be the sane voice of reason and now y'all done gone and looked at us shitting the bed, chugged a pint of ex-lax and said "hold my lager and watch this."

No, from this US perch (another USAlien) it looks like any remaining 'Special Relationship' will look a lot like the relationship between the US and Puerto Rico.

I have this belief that the whole Brexit thing was cooked up because the EU was starting to take an interest in the "financial services industry". They've stomped on the various corporate tax scams in Ireland and Benelux, they're actively prosecuting corporate tax fraud in Germany (the "cum-ex" case) and as they get better at figuring how the whole City machine works they'll be coming for all the other scams (sorry, "tax efficiency measures" &tc.)

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