Reply to post: Re: Smarts drink tea or Drink tea makes smarts

Time for another cuppa then? Tea-drinkers have better brains, say boffins with even better brains


Re: Smarts drink tea or Drink tea makes smarts

I'm a coffee drinker. The coffee pot makes 72 oz. of coffee and shuts off automatically after two hours. Is it a bad thing if I have to turn if off then back on in order for it to brew my second morning pot?

Is it a bad thing that I generally go through 3-4 pots per day, more if performing work requiring thought?

My brain is non-linear and very ADHD. This is a positive thing. 10 linear thinkers with similar training and background will generally give you the same answer to a given question. I probably won't.

I've finally got my managers trained on how to "manage" my tasks. Tell me what the problem is, tell me what the desired end result is, give me all available information, then leave me alone.

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