Reply to post: Re: Friends, families and physics...

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Friends, families and physics...

Ah, no it isn't. Air resistance, in fact, is rather insignificant at ordinary speeds.

The main losses in an electric drive chain are in the motors (not over 90% efficient) and in the motor drives (depending on conditions, perhaps 95% efficient.) Add to that the significant losses in pushing tyres around (why they get warm) and you're looking at a best case 80% of battery power reaching the road.

The losses on regen are the motor-used-as-generator losses (again over 10%), the loss in the power conversion electronics, and again the losses due to the tyres and friction.

Since 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64, you will be lucky to regenerate 64% of the battery power.

I believe that real world systems may reach around 50%. But that assumes that the braking is not heavy enough to exceed what the battery can absorb. That's why max regen on EVs is limited.

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