Reply to post: Microsoft to the rescue?

Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise, politicians will philander... And US voting machines will be physically insecure

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Microsoft to the rescue?

Recently Microsoft has been talking about their Election Guard software to help with this problem. When I first heard of it I thought "oh great, another proprietary solution to election security" but it is free, open source, and claims to tick all the boxes for being verifiable (i.e. I can tell that my vote was correctly counted) and auditable and so on.

I haven't really looked into it, but I'm glad that someone is trying to solve the problem rather than looking at it as an opportunity for another money grab like companies were after the 2000 election issues caused everything to think "computerized voting will solve all the problems!" and rushed headlong into making things worse than hanging chads ever were.

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