Reply to post: Re: Good encapsulation, Dr S

The D in Systemd is for Directories: Poettering says his creation will phone /home in future


Re: Good encapsulation, Dr S

Replaced a failed disk, updated fstab and ran mount. No errors, but the things not mounted.

While I slept, deep in the recesses of what passes for a brain, things moved and sparked and gradually a though was formed.

This morning I phoned a former customer - a nice old guy who retired from IT some time back but still plays with newer hardware. Of late he's been having an issue with removable drives and network stores showing up as present but when he tries to access them they're not there, he has to pull them out and plug them back in again.

We'd talked of this a while back but nothing in my knowledge of Linux would help.

I twigged overnight that the issue you refer to might be related, and asked him if he has sillyd on his system. He does.

Thanks Sir, we may now have a way to resolve the issue! (though I still suggested he may find Devuan or Slackware more to his tastes :) )

[I won't exactly repeat what he said when he was told it could be StupiD silently unmounting the hardware, and don't bother with your imagination as I don't think you'll match it either. Suffice to say he has experienced a lot of problems and some actual physical pain (has bad arthritis, largely bed-ridden, this fault has meant he's had to get up at times when he's been too sore to do so), and wasted a lot of time faffing around with something not only broken in a StupiD way, but so idiotically designed that it doesn't even report an error in a sensible place/manner!]

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