Reply to post: "And if your house burns down?"

Good news: Microsoft is doubling your OneDrive storage for more than double your money


"And if your house burns down?"

For that reason I have a fire safe which should withstand an hour's fire. If my house burns down I doubt that my photos will be my major concern.

I've just ordered a WD 12TB drive to back up my Seagate 1, 3, 5 and 8TB drives, each daisy-chained from my 500GB laptop SSD via Synchredible to the next. I reckon that so many copies constitute a reasonable backup strategy, no? And they're mine, all mine. No monthly payments, 60MB/s retrieval when I need it rather than a tenth of that rate on a good day. And I have no intention of cancelling my WD contract with myself, so my data will be available for as long as the drives work, not for as long as MS/Google/AWS decide that they think I'm a good enough (read "money") customer.

No-brainer, innit?

(Oh, and of course I have my "essential" files backed up for external access on Dropbox/Drive/Onedrive - but if they fold, so what...?)

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