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The D in Systemd is for Directories: Poettering says his creation will phone /home in future


Oh FFS seriously, the risk of snarfing decrypt key from memory from a suspended laptop, really???? You got bigger problems if that is really a risk, what with the hackers being physically infront/in possession of your laptop. Oh it make it easy to swap linux laptops/distros, so does partitioning, or does this fartknocker think this is what is stopping linux on the desktop??, frankly if you run *nix on your own kit (im not including hassle less deployments for parents and inlaws) and you cant move your home folder between boxen and distro's then give up and get your self a copy of windows me as pennance...

Its not even like this really solves or invents anything other than an interminable list of locations for config files to lurk that spoil your day and over write the settings you explicitly set, honestly how is this any different than mounting a vhd with encryption to /home?

Think i will file this one under solution looking for a problem

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