Reply to post: Re: Feature Request

HMRC's HTTPS howler: Childcare payments site cert expired at 1am on Sunday, down for hours


Re: Feature Request

And consider how this probably went:

1. First user reports problem

2. Help Desk faff about with it for an hour

3. A techy happens to come across it and, within 10 mins, identifies the issue and what needs to be done

4. Manglement faff about for a few hours until someone finally authorises the expenditure

5. Change Management hold up implementation while they ask for a full risk analysis and assurances there will be no down time (!)

6. techy implements win 10 mins

Probably six hours for a 15 min job. Of course, it shouldn't have occurred in the first place, but I'd be lying if I said I'd never been party to such an oversight in the dim & distant past...

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