Reply to post: Re: Savings of 3%'s smart meter cost-benefit analysis for 2019 goes big on cost, easy on the benefits

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Savings of 3%

Initially I went around turning things on and off to see how much power they sucked up according to the meter. I don't do that so much anymore as I already turn things off when not in use and I now know how much power things take to run. If I'm out by the meter, sometimes I'll have a look at what I'm drawing.

If you've trained yourself to turn out lights and not leave things on, having a remote display is less of a benefit. I already know that if every light is on in the house, it's about 200W. Everything is LED except for one bathroom that has odd lamp fittings and would be more money to buy the LED bulbs than I'd save in two years. When they burn out, I'll put in new fixtures.

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