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The Central Telegraph Office was serving spam 67 years before vikings sang about it on telly

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Perkins Braillers are still the thing. Most blind kids will get laptops and all the special software. But Braille embossers are still enormous and bloody noisy - my Mum had one and it was a bugger to get software. If you just want to do a few little labels, nothing beats a Braille embosser.

The year after she retired from teaching, she took one of her ex-pupils to the Roald Dahl museum in Great Missenden - and complained to them about the lack of Braille labelling on everything. Though I think they opened some cabinets and let the kid touch some of the exhibits.

So Mum did all their labels for them, on her Perkins Brailler onto plastic sticky labels - and in return they gave her a golden ticket that got her unlimited entries. Which got used on a few other ex-pupils and the grandchildren.

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