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The Central Telegraph Office was serving spam 67 years before vikings sang about it on telly

Claverhouse Silver badge

Without implying any callous attitude on the part of the Great General Staff, any success, let alone conquests, for the Mexicans --- even with heavy casualties---, would be less important than the merest diversion to keep the US preoccupied for a few months.

The Idiot Press would have worked into a froth about Mexicans, American Statesmen would have planned gigantic Walls to no purpose, and Pershing would have matched up and down Mexico.

Americans have always been a mite touchy about their beloved little brother down past the Rio Grande, and their tiny minds would have exploded at a full invasion.

Anyone remember how in 1960s to 80s American films dealing with Mexican revolutions and the like, the hosts of unbelievably incompetent uniformed Mexicano mooks had a few sinister German advisers attached to each squad ? Generally in white undress uniform, with nose-rim eyeglasses.

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