Reply to post: Re: 350kW!!!!

700km on a single charge: Mercedes says it's in it for the long run

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: 350kW!!!!

"The duck curve doesn't drop during the day because demand is less. Demand is actually the least at night and early morning when people are asleep, devices are off, lights are out, etc. The duck curve drops during the day for one reason, and you mentioned it. Renewables."

Yes, but that's what I said. Here is the exact quote from my comment, which I think says the same thing:

"net demand curve (i.e. total demand minus renewables, primarily solar and wind, aka the "duck curve")."

My point is that smarter EV charging can flatten the duck curve (which is desirable from a grid control perspective) if it is done when the duck curve (net demand and also price) is low, not necessarily when the total demand is low.

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