Reply to post: Re: Surely...

Justice served: There is no escape from the long server log of the law


Re: Surely...

"Having taught a number of people to do complex and involved scientific procedures (including small animal surgery) it is not until you have to observe someone doing something that things they need to know but you did not until that moment think of come up."

As a quick example, I was recently at the University of Warwick, and was sent instructions for getting there. They said to follow the signs labelled reserved parking and see the person in that car park. There were indeed signs, but they forgot the last one sending you into the car park itself, so I went driving past it. Found a steward later on that road who huffily said that they didn't bother with the last sign because the car park has a massive 15 written on the side of it. Of course, you don't know that the reserved parking is in car park 15 when invited.

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