Reply to post: Inertia selling

Two years ago, 123-Reg and NamesCo decided to register millions of .uk domains for customers without asking them. They just got the renewal reminders...

alain williams Silver badge

Inertia selling

This are illegal under UK laws dealing with unsolicited goods and so the domain names may ''be treated as an unconditional gift''.

So: if you get a bill, tell 123-reg/names-co that you do not want it, that you will not pay it and that any attempt to collect money via direct debit will be fraud. It they take money: demand that the bank return it. For good measure you could tell the scammy registrar that if you need to recover the money that you will charge £100/hour for your time, with a minimum of 1 hour.

They tried the scam to make money so hit them where it hurts by extracting even more money from them.

Since it is fraud: why not also report it to the police.

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