Reply to post: Re: made with flowers and fruits

Just what we all needed, lactose-free 'beer' from northern hipsters – it's the Vegan Sorbet Sour

Mage Silver badge

Re: made with flowers and fruits

At bit pedantic:

They are herbal infusions unless based on Camellia Sinensis. There are real teas with added fruit, blossoms or spices, they have Camellia Sinensis as the main ingredient. Many herbal infusions actually have Hibiscus as the main base, even if not in the branding. Wikipedia seems to use "tea" for herbal beverages with no Camellia Sinensis in them, so perhaps it's OK in the USA to call them teas, though nowadays most herbal infusions in Irish & UK shops do have "Tea" in the name.

It's true that beer doesn't need hops. Both dandelion and also burdock were used before hops, or nothing at all extra.

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