Reply to post: Re: Could be worse

In Hemel Hempstead, cycling is as bad as taking a leak in the middle of the street

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Could be worse

You miss my point, I have slowed down, I have blasted a 110db air horn at them if they veer into my path whilst I'm going past them then it's unavoidable as far as I'm concerned and therefore it's entirely down to them and I have the video evidence to prove it. Funnily enough colliding with a pedestrian is likely to injure a cyclist as much if not more than said pedestrian so should be avoided. See my previous example of the cretin who I did avoid when she veered into my path, I will always endeavour to do that as I don't particularly want to hit them regardless of how much better the gene pool would be with their removal from it.

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