Reply to post: Is it wise?

Allowlist, not whitelist. Blocklist, not blacklist. Goodbye, wtf. Microsoft scans Chromium code, lops off offensive words

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Is it wise?

I remember that in the dim and distant past, it was a given that you should not change code simply to refine names or comments unless there was an urgent need. To do otherwise was to risk introducing bugs or regressions in code that was already working satisfactorily.

Every such change can, of course, be tested, but I wonder if that will happen in this case. After all, it's mostly a 'search and replace' exercise, isn't it? Purifying language and naming, however justifiable, risks turning correct code into problematic code.

If their recent track record with Windows 10 is anything to go by, it seems that Microsoft have already gone through an internal language purge.

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