Reply to post: Re: "ANY thoughtless radical loons are a pointless scourge, of course."

YouTube's radicalizing Alt-right trolls and Facebook's recruiting new language boffins

Agincourt and Crecy!

Re: "ANY thoughtless radical loons are a pointless scourge, of course."

I identify as left wing and I don’t want to silence you. I would rather you keep on posting your opinion. You have just been proved wrong on the left wing wanting to silence you.

I certainly would never espouse violence as a way of disagreeing with you. It seems to be the ultimate in ad hominem attacks and as we are all aware when someone is losing an argument then ad hominem fallacies start to appear. It’s a lot like watching a playground argument develop.

If you have a point I cannot refute then I would defer as opposed to commit violence as a response. If violence is the answer it has to have been a bloody stupid question. Again your blanket assertion is incorrect.

Blanket statements and single cherry picked cases to support those statements really don’t work.

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