Reply to post: Re: My uninformed comment

Microsoft's only gone and published the exFAT spec, now supports popping it in the Linux kernel

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: My uninformed comment

UDF is the solution? I've had a read through the wikipedia article about UDF, and I have my doubts. We'll start with the problem that it's designed for optical media. As in media that can be written a couple of times at most, not one that might have an operating system boot off it or store frequently changed files. There is a version not specifically designed for limited-writes media, but there are others designed specifically for that purpose. This brings us to the next point.

There are a bunch of revisions of the UDF spec. And we all know what that means: lots of poor implementations that support only some of them. And it's not just different release versions, but multiple types of filesystem inside UDF. The wikipedia page includes many statements about what versions different implementations support. Actually, they don't say that. They instead tell us what different implementations "claim to support". Sometimes, such a statement is followed by a statement that only certain subversions are correctly supported, and much of this is for reading only.

My third point can best be made with this quote: "The UDF specifications[7] allow only one Character Set OSTA CS0". When this is a key point in the summary of a spec, and they follow it with a discussion of when this doesn't play well with other encodings, I know it's not fun to deal too much with this filesystem.

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