Reply to post: Re: "things have moved on, like it or not"

Can't bear to part with that well-worn copy of Windows 7? Microsoft might let you keep it updated an extra year

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "things have moved on, like it or not"

"things have moved on" - not because the customers WANTED it to, but because *THE MONOPOLY* *MADE* *IT* *SO*.

Two major reasons:

a) stranglehold on OS pre-installation from places *LIKE* 'Best Buy'

b) newer hardware not supported by 7 and earlier

It's like a TRUST from the late 19th century, when a single company owns EVERYTHING from resource procurement (mines and wells) to distribution (refineries and factories) to end (gas pumps and cars and trains and railroads and ...)

guess what happens to prices, quality, and customer satisfaction?

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