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It will never be safe to turn off your computer: Prankster harnesses the power of Windows 95 to torment fellow students

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Ah yes, silliness will never die. Although humour can be a difficult concept...

The (seriously non-tech enlightened) decision makers at the university hospital where I work decided it would be a good idea to block, previously unfiltered personnel internet access. Definition of "harmful content" was a bit murky though, including for example various webmail and social media providers. This pissed some off apparently.

One clever person (still unidentified up to this day) coded a .sh and dropped it on one of the machines used for presentations. It was triggered by libreoffice, doing a really long sleep first, while LO went about its business. But, when the sleep period was done, it executed a looped firefox xdg-open, going through a rather large array of URLs of "ladies showing their substantial assets" (to be fair to the prankster, all above waist). While disabling user input. And appropriate sleep commands to ensure proper inspection of the shown image. Access to the "assets" was possible because, yes, the internet was filtered for "the common people", but not for management (of course).

Unfortunate though that this "silent protest" kicked into motion when a Faculty board member was presenting his "IT investment plan"...

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