Reply to post: Re: This has all happened before, this will all happen again

Canadian ISP Telus launches novel solution to deal with excess email: Crash your servers and wipe it all

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: This has all happened before, this will all happen again

Speaking about Bell Canada and e-mail: Didn't they also undertake to build the unified, government-wide e-mail system in, oh, around 2013? [yes, they did:]. The rumour at the time was that they've never buit a business e-mail system of that size (or even 1/10-th of the required size - we are talking about 300,000 direct employees, and many more actual e-mail accounts) before; apparently their plan was to run the entire thing on a single Exchange cluster. Five years later, the system was still not ready []. I sort of lost the interest in following the story since then ...

If there is one thing all Canadians unite in, it's the mild dislike of Bell, Telus, and Shaw ;o)

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