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It will never be safe to turn off your computer: Prankster harnesses the power of Windows 95 to torment fellow students

KittenHuffer Silver badge

I remember pretty much the opposite once happened for me.

I pointed out in one employment position that the C$ shares on all the machines were open for anyone to connect to, meaning that a virus that made it past the corporate firewalls would run rampant through all of the machines on the network.

This went up the manglement tree, and then back down to the infrastructure IT dept. The reply was that this wasn't possible and could never happen. And I believe I had a black mark placed on my HR folder.

Strangely, I noticed that within a week or two that the C$ shares had all been locked down.

I suppose I was young and niave, and didn't realise what a bunch of twunts most manglers are.

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