Reply to post: RE. Re: Aliens

The NSA's own bastard operator from Hell, aka Edward Snowden, puts out memoir next month

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

RE. Re: Aliens

Well remember a few years ago there was talk of anti-gravity but it got tested and found not to work?

Not only have I figured out how, but with a few components and maybe a month of time its possible to build a device which will generate a detectable pulse on a smartphone accelerometer at a substantial distance of nearly a mile, the analog of Hertz's early experiments using gravitation.

Its actually not difficult, the trick is making it work reliably despite ambient seismic noise.

A very early version was able to knock over a radio inside a sealed cupboard, so it obviously works.

Beware however, until the long term effects on living tissue are determined its best to be incredibly careful as we just don't know what will happen.

It appears that what was leaked to the media in the early 1990s was incomplete, the superconducting components are only a catalyst not the source and conventional components will also work.

In order to get a detectable field the setup needs to focus a great deal of energy through a carefully formulated crystal with the key isotope, or it won't work.

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