Reply to post: Re: Dystopia, one improvement at a time

'Hey Google, remind Greg the locks have been changed, and he should find a new place to live. Maybe ask his mistress?'

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Dystopia, one improvement at a time

Or just stop inventing things.

Google havent invented anything for at least a decade, probably 2. They've refined things, made some things easier, brought other things "on to a computer" (which for some reason makes them patentable, but thats a different rant for a different time). But they havent invented anything.

Invention is hard, risky and costs time and money. It's much easier to simply sell companies ads and come up with new ways to show those ads to the consumer. There's no invention involved.

Unfortunately, thats true of just about the whole current IT/tech sector. When was the last time any of them actually invented something new? Not simply improved on something already existing...

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