Reply to post: Re: Alternative explanation

Poor old Jupiter has had a rough childhood after getting a massive hit from a mega-Earth

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Alternative explanation

@Torebn Mogensen: Nah. there wouldn't be enough energy to do that against that much gravity.

Also, even if enough fisionables collected in one spot to go boom, let alone create heat a la Oklo reactor, that'd have negligible effect on a Jupiter sized object even if there were hundreds of thousands of such happening all at once (highly unlikely).

To create the sort of effect you have in mind would need such huge concentrations of such rare material coming into close proximity at the same time in such a precise manner that, in essence it's highly unlikely to ever occur naturally during large multiple of the universe's current lifespan.

As for "it's the aliens wot dunnit" theories - if they had the capability to arrange that sort of thing, I can;t think of any reason why they'd want to do so - building a Dyson swarm instead would be a better use of their time and effort. Of course, if the sacred tome of HHGTTG actually is correct, then it might've been one of Slartibartfast's chums on the piss wot dunnit.

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