Reply to post: Re: I know the series well...

One person's harmless japery can be another's night of LaserJet Lego


Re: I know the series well...

No, delivery drivers can ruin anything.

I once got a nice wood-burning stove that had been damaged in shipment. The stove was made completely of heavy steel (with a box of firebrick to be added inside). Somehow they broke one of the legs completely off and BENT the corner of a 1/4 inch steel plate on the top of the stove; bent it to a 45 degree angle.

The customer who had ordered it decided he didn't want damaged goods. I convinced the boss to let me have it, at a nice discount. I welded the leg back on, heated up the plate and bent it back straight, and it was as good as new. Used it for years to heat my house.

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