Reply to post: Re: Children?

Alexa, can you tell me how many Chinese kids were forced into working nights to build this unit?

M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

Re: Children?

No, it's the fault of the Chinese. If they as a nation didn't allow this, it wouldn't be happening. China sold itself as a cheap labor nation, now you know part of why the labor is so cheap.

Mind, I'm not saying Amazon's hands are clean here, nor are the hands of any business that uses China for manufacturing. They HAD to know that their stuff was being made by workers in slavish conditions, but they only care about recieving product at an acceptable level of quality at a set price. They didn't care to wonder why it was so cheap.

As for me, I try to buy products made in the USA first, because I'm a US citizen. Were I European, I would be trying to buy from my home nation first, adjoining nations second, and so on. Unfortunately, it's hard to buy home-grown, and almost impossible from Amazon. Many's a time I ordered a US built product on Amazon, and what arrived was made in China. These days, I order almost nothing from Amazon because of this. What little I do order, is when I can't find an item anywhere else, and I can't do without it.

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