Reply to post: Re: 32 bit removal

Bit of a time-saver: LibreOffice emits 6.3 with new features, loading and UI boosts

Lee D Silver badge

Re: 32 bit removal

32-bit is dead, give it up.

The last 32-bit only x86 chips were the Atoms in 2010. Those machine are pathetic for anything vaguely modern, even when they were first released.

Sense the trend - 32-bit is dying across the board and has been for over a decade. Sure, you can do word-processing on an old DOS machine if you like. But when it breaks, you're gonna have replaced it with a 64-bit-capable machine unless it's literally not needed anything in the last 10 years.

To be honest, if people were after cheap, low-maintenance word-processor, I'd say buy a Chromebook. Offline editing, cloud-synced, simple-office-interface, automatic-saving.

Honestly... give it up. Even "old" 32-bit iPads are useless now - half the apps won't work.

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