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WTF is Boeing on? Not just customer databases lying around on the web. 787 jetliner code, too, security bugs and all


Boeing must know that once they sell a 787 to a foreign state, say Indonesia, that the Indonesian state ferrets will have contacts with Chinese, Russian and North Korean ferrets(among others) and these ferrets will try to reverse engineer all aspects of the 787 code (regardless of any agreement to the contrary) and try to ceate exploits that they will guard and keep to themselves in the hope that they can then back up nto Boeing R&D and Corporate servers for more fun and frolic.

They should take this threat seriously and hire their own Black/White hats quietly from those they see at the conference.

This whole story smacks of management ossification at the highest levels. Driven by costs and ever higher wage rates forced out of them by the unions, they should close down their main factory and build a new one in a less union friendly place and only hire good creative workers for the new workplace,

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