Reply to post: I have a solution but the vendors won't like it

Even tech giants find themselves telling folk not to use default passwords on Internet of S**t kit

martinusher Silver badge

I have a solution but the vendors won't like it

Let's face it, the only reason why you need to have printers and what-have-you on the public Internet is so that the appropriate vendor can snoop on the device's usage and use it to either market or sell/rent you stuff. (Sounds silly? HP has a sort of rental option for its domestic and small business printers....)

If the device didn't need to phone home all the time then it wouldn't need to initiate Internet connections, it would be just a peripheral that did what you told it to. You'd be surprised how little a network stack you can get away with if you build kit that only works with datagrams** -- UDP -- and only speaks when its spoken to. No additional connections to initiate, no DNS to hijack, just a quiet life of getting on with whatever the user wants it to do.

(**One of my pet peeves is the common practice of taking a stream protocol -- TCP -- and putting a crude protocol on it to break the data into frames. Talk about inefficient.......unreliable.....insecure......but it all makes work for the working person to do........)

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