Reply to post: Re: inspired by 8chan

Cloudflare punts far-right hate-hole 8chan off the internet after 30 slayed in US mass shootings


Re: inspired by 8chan

Perhaps he's taking a roundabout path to declare that the root problem is part of humanity itself and is pretty much intractable. To use the meme, "Haters gonna hate."

If it was an "intractable" "part of humanity" then the rest of the world would have the same problems the US has.

We don't.

We do tend to have freedom of speech, we do tend to have very easy access to weapons, we do have people with mental health problems and people wanting to have their own way regardless of consequences, but we don't have the same levels of people killing each other.

Nor do we have the culture that says we should fear our neighbours and clamour for the right to kill them at the first apparently askance glance.

The problems are with the culture. If 'haters' are a part of your culture, and that is a problem, then you fix the culture of hate.

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