Reply to post: Re: Surely

Apple loses FaceTime patent appeal again. And again. And again. And again. And again... yes, it's the fifth time

JimboSmith Silver badge

Re: Surely

Yeah well if you had all the facts you'd maybe you'd think differently. This wasn't the first incident where he'd made false accusations far from it. He was consistently late and often left early. In one case he was going to the dentist and he may well have met his dentist but must have done so in the pub he was seen entering directly after leaving work. He'd accused people of stealing his lunch out of the fridge, other stuff from his desk etc. None of those people he falsely accused had access to free legal advice and I was encouraged to give him both barrels so to speak. The final straw came very shortly after accusing me just before the end of his probation. He was on the sales team and had claimed for a couple of weeks prior that people were stealing his customers. He went as far as complaining to the department manager about it. This was thoroughly investigated because commission was at stake. It became obvious when looked into that none of these were his customers. Some of them were longstanding customers who had been with the firm many years. They had relationships with senior members of the sales team and mostly hadn't even heard of this bloke. He did not pass his probation.

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